Thursday, April 18, 2013

Curious Minds Want to Know (aka Hi Mom!)

Talked to my mom the other day.
She wanted to know why she hadn't heard from us in a while.  
"Been really busy in the greenhouses."
She replied, "Well, put up some pictures so we can see!"

And this is the real drag about living 400 miles from your family. 
The other drag being that we can't share this glorious bounty with them!

So here is your proof, Ma, that you and Pop successfully cultivated a green thumb in your little girl.

Here is the first bed Moose and i have tackled in the AG.
Planted are Early New York storage onions, Walla Walla's, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Here in the second bed of the AG, we cleared last fall, and planted Musik garlic.  Transplanted a type of red lettuce that was the only seed to germinate out of last year's mesclun packet.  These were started in February.

Here's a head from last year's Jericho lettuce that I let go to seed during the summer.
You can see where I'll be taking the short hauls this year. :)

"Sugar" snap peas (under the string) have started germinating along with the French Breakfast radishes (upper left corner) and Bull's Blood beets (lower left corner).

Moving on to the seed nursery...

The tomatoes are slo-o-o-wly being potted up (aka taking over everything).
These are the Galina and Yellow Pear cheery toms.

Snow White cherry toms and Sheboygan paste toms

and more Yellow Pear and Black Cherry toms.
The idea this year is to have a mixed cherry tom basket to offer.
Practicing this stuff now in case Lil Farmer Mac wants to work a farmer's market next year.

The bell peppers.

And more onions. 
I got this great idea from a podcast I listen to from Chicken Thistle Farm in NY state.
Use these bunched like this to grow bunching onions that are easily harvested.  
I seeded up a combo of red, yellow, and white onions this way.

In Rosie's greenhouse, Moose has been starting on his potato tower. 
Plans to finish it next week when he is on vacation.
Yellow Finns are going in here.

And there you are...a photo update. 
I'll leave you with one last one...

She said she wasn't going to smile until a customer showed up. 
A discussion ensued about how her Irish dancing in the parking lot to draw attention to our eggs might be a better advertising strategy. :)

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